
At the first sight (1)

During the semester break, now I am smiling in front of my computer and at the same time, the coffee already accompanying until now. I started to write the love story because it was a story that i think should be written in. Let me introduce myself, my name is Ali. Now, I am still pursuing my doctoral degree from one of university in Germany. I have a complicate love story but it was amazing, so that I should write it. This noon, I met my close friend, they were my classmate during high school, Rahma and Fauzan. We shared our stories and the conversation has conical into, we should write our story. So, when i came back into my house, grab my little hero and hug my lovely Angel and started to imagine, what kind of story should I write. It was, almost 10 years ago, when this story began. --- My first day "I never want to study into this school" I am started to mumble this morning. To be honest, i never want to study in this national highschool. However, becau

Shadow of Me

Getting closer. Something that should be thrown away, its getting closer now. Why? because there was plenty time to be wasted. As we know, every-on-of-us, has our nightmare and terrible-worrying. I felt, a couple weeks ago, something that worrying me so much has appear again, it was an expertise. I feel i don't have any expertise now. But, it was okay, it's just about the 'time-zone'. Shadow will always chase us, and we can't deny it unless there was no light source or the light is perfectly perpendicular to us, from above. I want to say that, everyone has their own problem that always chase us like the shadow, say 'shadow of me'. If we think too much about it, we will afraid because the shadow will never left us. But, if we don't concern it too much, maybe we will forget about the appearance of our shadow, but remember, it isn't disappear. On the other hand, if we face it properly, it would be gone. We getting closer to the light source, the sha

My journey : An Awardee

Today, suddenly I want to write about my experience to pass LPDP scholarship stage. I always feel inferior into myself, because I often met someone with outstanding level of their ability. However, there was one day, when I went back info my undergraduate campus, I met my former supervisor. I told him about my experience to be master student and shortly, I explain to him that I always being shy, feel inferior and other negative thinking because I ever met great people. He just ask me, ‘are you not special? Have you ever look at yourself, have you ever felt success? Why you don’t proud about what you have achieved? Strange’. It stabbed me so hard and He was right. So, I consider to write my story about LPDP because it’s one of my barrier, I always won’t to be labeled as an awardee because I don’t look like an awardee, I mean, I have no special ability compared to another awardee, but now, I understand that everyone has their weakness and neither to me. I should break this barrier a

Advance thermodynamics (week 1) Part 1.

Advanced Thermodynamics So, this is my first post. I want to begin it with thermodynamics material, in advance of course. Although, it was labelled as an advance, but for the early meeting still manage about basic thermodynamics review. Hopefully you can enjoy it.   Week 1&2 Gas Power Cycle Ref : Thermodynamics (Cengel) Thermodynamics is a subject that study about energy and it form. Energy define as an ability to do work. First, I want to review about the law of thermodynamics. We study about energy in thermodynamics, but here we must know what kind of energy and its scope. There was 2 kind of energy in a thermodynamics approach, stored energy and energy in transition. Stored energy is an energy that carried by mass, It could be an entalphy, kinetic energy, potential energy. Energy in transition is an energy that pass and moving in and out into system. What is system? System is a part of universe that need to be studied and it is bordered by a boundary. So, ener

Introduction (2)

Hello I think, maybe i will use this blog more often to post my lecture material.  First, i am eager to have an excellent ability in English subject. So I have to write, speak, listen and read as much as possible. Because language is about behavior. Second, i invite you to enjoy an engineering joyful material. (: Thank you


“Today, I faced a hard problem. I need something that I don’t have yet, I really need it because I already set my goal and the only way to pursue that is having ‘it’. It was money” Money. I may translate money as something to be converted into something new thing or new services. If we want to use a toilet in public place, we need to pay. If we want to eat, we have to pay for goods, and so on. Recently, money, in my opinion, is a something that should be belonged. It has governing the human being life. Every single thing is money. In advance, even, the bureaucracy/government was able to be controlled under the money superiority. Because of that, we already knew that corruption was widely spreading in the whole world, it just because to obtain a money. Let say, if we have a money, we can buy anything, we can control everything and we are able to make the world obey us. What a crazy thing. To make it balance, on the other hand, if we use the money wisely, we are able to help other,

Saat turunan kedua menghasilkan maksima/minima

Menurut galileo, jika ingin memahami alam, pahamilah dahulu bahasanya, matematika ______ Akuntansi, Ekonomi Teknik, Kewirausahaan, daftar mata kuliah yang hampir selalu aku hindari. Mata kuiah eksak lebih kusenangi daripada berbasis bisnis . Entah mengapa, saya belum tertarik dengan dunia seperti itu karena selalu mendambakan hidup seperti seorang sayentis. Namun, banyak hal yang tidak kita duga dan menjalani hal tersebut merupakan keharusan. Kehidupan selo dan kurang terstruktur menjadi keseharianku. Lebih kupilih membaca artikel sains daripada memikirkan prospek ekonomi terkini. Di sisi lain, di dalam hati aku ingin membuat suatu start-up  demi mengejar kreativitas. Semuanya seperti terwujud setelah menikah. Kehidupan yang berubah drastis hampir -+105 derajat, tidak sampai 180 derajat, lebai. Mulailah kehidupan terstruktur yang menuntut multitasking Di tengah studiku, aku memutuskan untuk menjalani kehidupan berumah tangga, bukan apa-apa, ya hanya lillahita'ala sa